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theunium.github.io 🇮🇳

hi!, i'm unium, an indian developer, artist and a GaMeR.


discord: leunium

twitter: @leunium

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unium.exe - contact me
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unium.exe - generic yapping

i like a bunch of stuff, but the main things i like are :

  • dogs
  • science (biology)
  • art, programming
  • football, boxing, wrestling

for my dislikes, it's basically just those stupid child safe lock things in car that turn on by themselves

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unium.exe - experience

ive been programming for around 8 years, and been using C, PHP, and java for the majority of my time

however, i know other languages too :)

  • c (experienced)
  • c++ (experienced)
  • php (experienced)
  • java (experienced)
  • html/css (experienced)
  • javascript (experienced)
  • python (intermediate)
  • lua (intermediate)
  • asm (intermediate)
  • golang (intermediate)
  • rust (beginner)
  • fortan (beginner)